Manage Your Blood Sugar Levels With Jamun; Know Other Health Benefits. Jamun is a perfect monsoon fruit loaded with nutrients
It will keep your gut health intact
You can achieve better skin health with Jamun
If you have diabetes, you must be very careful about what to eat and what not to do throughout the year. You might be excited about the monsoon as it has given relief from the rising temperature. But during the rainy season, the spread of infections and bacteria increases. A diabetic patient should also choose the right food during the monsoon to maintain blood sugar levels. Jamun is one such seasonal fruit beneficial for controlling blood sugar levels. During monsoon, a person with diabetes can enjoy the great taste of jamuns with its various benefits for diabetic patients. A person who has diabetes can add jamuns to their daily diet. Besides adding jamuns to your diet, you should avoid eating outside to reduce contact with possible infections.
Diabetes Diet: Jamun to control blood sugar levels
Jamuns are known for their anti-diabetic properties. It helps in keeping blood sugar levels under control. Jamuns convert starch into energy and maintain blood sugar levels. It also increases insulin activity and sensitivity. Regular consumption of jamuns will reduce blood sugar levels in both blood and urine. If you have diabetes, you can completely enjoy this purple fruit this monsoon and keep your blood sugar levels in check. Not just the fruit, Jamun seeds are also beneficial for diabetes.
A recent article from the Hilton Head Health Institute stated, “The evidence is growing that diabetes – especially “late-onset” type 2 diabetes – is becoming an epidemic. American’s well-known attachment to the “couch potato” lifestyle – fatty, high-calorie foods and an aversion to exercise – may be the contributing factor to the spread of the disease. On the opposite side of the coin, a healthy lifestyle is believed to contribute to diabetes prevention and management.” On January 9, 2006, a New York Times article declared “that the Centers for Disease Control estimate that 21 million Americans currently have diabetes while 41 million more are suffering from pre-diabetic symptoms. Many aren’t even aware of it yet. Over the past decade, the rate of diabetes has increased by 80% in the US. Yet most health officials still emphasize the threat of infectious diseases, which are far less deadly than chronic conditions such as diabetes.”
Any life insurance agent that has been around for very long will attest to the statements made in that article. People with diabetes now make up a large percentage of our client base. The number of people diagnosed as diabetic or pre or borderline diabetic on life insurance exams has skyrocketed. While most diabetics are insurable at fair rates, it is alarming to see how many diabetics have truly stayed somewhat uneducated about their condition and do not fully comprehend or care about the fact that diabetes can have a compounding effect on other health issues and ultimately be at least the root cause of a health decline that leads to an early death. Those people with diabetes who take the situation seriously, educate themselves, monitor their diabetes, and take control of other risk factors such as hypertension and obesity can ultimately lead a long, healthy life. Unsurprisingly, this group is rewarded with life insurance rates that reflect their concern with their longevity. It should be no secret that life insurance companies reward those interested in their mortality.